Here are the latest Quest for Happiness FAQs:

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Brave When You Need To Be

We are presently working with a publisher to get the book Brave When You Need To Be published. When it is available, we will make that known on the website and alert registered users in the E Newsletter.

Clarity Quest

When I wrote the book Clarity Quest, the chapters are in the order in which I went thru to achieve my goals. I have talked with a few readers that mentioned that they had jumped around, which addressed some of their needs quicker, but ultimately they completed all of the steps. So yes, you can change the order to best meet your needs.

Are there online resources where individuals who are currently on the Clarity Quest, or who have previously completed a Quest, can get together to share their experiences, suggest sabbatical locations, and support each other through the process? At present no, but we are working on adding a Discussion Forum to address that. Stay tuned.

You don't have to escape to the country to find a natural setting or beauty. Many people in large cities enjoy the calm and tranquility of parks, botanical gardens, reflection ponds, or the lush green foliage in the lobby of a hotel or office complex. Others find relief from the anxieties of everyday life by listening to the sounds of running water in a fountain or river. You can find beauty breaks by going to a flower shop, a museum, or an art gallery.


Presently you need to sign up for a user account to make a purchase. There are benefits to doing that. You can receive our E Newsletter, track your purchases, and participate in the Discussion Forum (coming soon).

The Events page lists all workshops that are presently planned. If you would like to request attending one in a location not listed, then please let us know via the Contact Us page.

Registered users can now post a comment to a Blog entry, plus reply to someone else's comment. You can also receive an email when someone replies to your comment when you properly configure your email preferences.

If you have forgotten your password, go to the Login page. Click the Login Help button. From there you can recover your username or password. That information will be sent to the email on file for your account.

Accounts are blocked if you enter an incorrect password a certain number of times in a row. This is a security measure to protect your account. After waiting the noted amount of time, you can try to login again.

When a user replies to a comment made to a Blog entry, the author of that comment can receive an email notifing them of that action. If you didn't receive an email, you should check three things. First, make sure your email is correct for your account profile. Second, make sure your email preferences are set to enable this action. And third, check your email Spam folder to see if our email is being blocked.

Ignite The Light

Presently, Ignite The Light, is workshop not a book. It is based upon a concept I call Purpose Quest. It is included in the upcoming book, Brave When You Need To Be.