Overcome Your Fears

While doing workshops on the concepts mentioned in the book CLARITY QUEST: How to Take a Sabbatical Without Taking More Than a Week Off, attendees consistently mentioned they were at a crossroads. They were assessing changes in their personal life, career, or both. Many had reached a decision to do something, but they were not able to move forward and make something happen. There were some fundamental fears in their way: lack of finances, incomplete skill set, having to start all over, lack of credibility in the new pursuit, fear of failure, and others. They had reached an emotional hurdle that they were unable to overcome.

You want to shift your career and do something completely different. You have built up a measurable skill set, an ability to understand common situations, and you know how to resolve common issues. But what next? A new area. New skills. New problems. What if you don't succeed? You are not alone. Many others have been there, moved forward, and are happily in that next chapter of their life.

The thing about fear is that it can both give you power and take it away. If you cross a street and see a car coming towards you, your heart will start to quicken and in an instant adrenaline and other chemicals are released into your body to sharpen your senses and allow you to react quickly. Fear is a primal response to a dangerous situation and can serve you well.

The same fear that protects, however, can also be highly destructive if it's held onto and not used. This is the fear that weighs us down and leaves us feeling helpless, powerless, and paralyzed.

5 Fears

Fear of Challenges
It keeps you from handling the loss of a relationship, a job, possessions, lifestyle, health or a loved one. It shakes us out of our comfort zone.

Fear of Change
It keeps you from a great adventure, finding the love of your life or remaining stuck in a life that's too small for your spirit.

Fear of Rejection
It keeps you from meeting your sales goals, asking someone to coffee, speaking in front of an audience, interviewing for a new job, or auditioning for the lead in a play.

Fear of Failure
It keeps you from going back to school or starting a new business.

Fear of Success
It blocks you from writing a best-selling novel, inventing a new product, or going for a promotion.

Fear of Money
It keeps you awake at night, trapped in a dead-end job, the wrong environment or relationship.

Brave When You Need To Be

Imagine what different lives we'd live if we stopped letting anxieties limit us. Is there an easy way to neutralize the dread that prevents so many of us from being our best?

Heart Doodle

Love is the antidote to fear. Love is more than just an emotion; it's the most potent force there is. It can transform us from fearful to confident in an instant and give us the impetus to do things we'd never imagined were possible.

Love is a force stronger than fear. Fears constrict us, limit us, and hold us back from where we want to be. Love is an expansive, creative force; it opens our hearts and minds and makes us feel whole and undivided. You'll be reminded what you already know deep within. God's love is planted inside each of us and when we are connected with this source of love, we are powerful. We are strong. We are greater than any fear.

In our upcoming book, Brave When You Need To Be, we strive to address the major fears that stop us, recommends activities and exercises to assess our situation, and develop a roadmap for overcoming that fear. Learning from others will help you move forward.

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